$149 Evaluations
and $119 Renewals
We are new to Kentucky so please check our google reviews from our partner location in Virginia to see the quality of service that we provide.
NMC Richmond Reviews
If for any reason you are not approved by our practitioner, your visit is free.
We do not take any deposits or Credit Card information at the time of booking, just pay once you are approved.
Our mission is to help our patients achieve a higher quality of life using Medical Cannabis through guidance and education.
We are a full service Cannabis Resource Center.

How can I find out more about the Medical Cannabis Program in Kentucky and how it can help my situation?
Easy, just give us a call at (502) 803-2992 or send us an email with any questions. We offer a free phone consultation to explain the entire process and answer any questions that you may have. You can also read the program on the Kentucky website.
Kentucky Medical Cannabis Certification Requirements
Be a Kentucky Resident
Over the age of 18 or have an assigned caregiver
Have a valid, not expired government issued ID
Must be seeking relief from a qualifying medical condition. (see list below)
List of qualifying conditions:
Amytrophic lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease
Intractable seizures
Parkinsons disease
Crohn's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Sickle cell anemia
Severe and chronic pain
Post traumatic stress disorder
Cachexia or wasting syndrome
Severe arthritis
Hepatitis C
Intractable pain
Mucular dystrophy
Huntington's disease
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or aquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Terminal illness
Services & Prices

Medical Cannabis Evaluations
$149 for New Patients and $119 for Yearly Renewals
An appointment with one of our medical professionals to see if you qualify for a Kentucky State Medical Cannabis Certification. Renewals are only $119 even if you are coming from another clinic.

Cannabis Coaching Session
Speak with our Cannabis Expert about what Medical Cannabis product is right for you. Over 14 years experience working with patients as a Medical Cannabis Caregiver in Colorado and can help understand how Cannabis works to relieve certain conditions as well as recommend products and dosages.
A link to the webiste is provided after your appointment.
Contact Us
Natural Medicine Clinic of Kentucky LLC
(502) 803-2992
Email: naturalmedicineclinic@proton.me
3058 Bardstown Road #1332
Louisville, KY 40205
Interpretation services are available upon request. Please let us know prior to your appointent if these services are needed.
The Executive order states that certain types of felonies can disqualify a patient from a pardon. Please do your own research, Natural Medicine Clinic can not provide legal advice and does not issue refunds once the appointment has been completed.
NMC Kentucky cannot help with the state registration process.
These statements have not been approved by the FDA. We are not claiming to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or health condition.